Seeds of Resonance


As a registered nurse of 15 years with a Masters in Mental Health Nursing, Cindi McCormick of Seeds of Resonance combines her expertise in the area of mental health care with her experience as a Reiki Practitioner and Māori Bodywork practitioner to create healing of the mind, body and spirit.

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Cindi is a warm and vibrant person with a lot of energy and so her website design reflects her personality with warm strong and rich colours used throughout. Cindi has a lot of service offerings so her design utilises gradient headings and bite sized info blocks to make it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for without having to sort through a lot of text. We designed a custom motif that was drawn from a pared back version of Cindis own Ta Moko and used this throughout the site as a representation of the different aspects of her business.

Clea Pettit