He kai kei aku ringa is a whakataukī (proverb) that refers to one’s ability to use the skills and resources you have available, to create success. And it explains perfectly why we love to do what we do. Websites give people the freedom to define their own idea of what success looks like and achieve their goals based on those terms.
Our values
Kaitiakitanga is the practise of protecting, conserving and guarding all things of nature including land, water, ocean, people and animals. We are intentional about working with people whose ideas and products incorporate care for the environment and the need for sustainable living. Manawa Design also follows sustainable business practices.
Whanaungatanga is the development of family-like connection through shared experiences and working harmoniously together. Practising Whanaungatanga is the best way we know to conduct business. It is, at the heart, about valuing people and the quality of our relationships above and beyond merely a transactional exchange.
We value creativity in all its forms. Whether you are directly involved in the creative arts or whether you are melding the traditional with the new or bringing thoughtful ideas, products and services to market in an innovative way, we believe a sustainable future depends upon those who are prepared to think outside of the box.

Clea Pettit
Manawa Design Founder
Ko Piripiri te Maunga. Ko Waitohi te Awa. Ko Waikawa te Marae. Ko Te Ātiawa te Iwi.
Piripiri is the mountain, Waitohi is the river, Waikawa is the place, Te Ātiawa are the people to whom I belong.
Born and raised in Waitohi (Picton), New Zealand, I am now based in Queensland, Australia. About a million years ago I studied Political Science and Art History at Canterbury University, with topics as diverse as New Zealand politics and Māori art. I never anticipated many years later that these seemingly unrelated subjects would combine in a way that enables me to work effectively with many wonderful Māori artists, organisations and business people carving out our own space in the digital world.
I started the journey as an entrepreneur not long after finishing university. Having just arrived in Australia, I won a business planning award which seeded the money for my first business. Now, with twenty years of self employment and ten years of website design experience under my belt, it is a pleasure to help others onto the same path and to be part of a movement of people who are doing business in ways that emphasise our cultural and personal values.